Wilson Simonal in field

reflections on the album México 70



Wilson Simonal, Mexico 70, Brazilian popular music


Analysis of Wilson Simonal’s Mexico 70 album released in 1970 by the Mexican record label Odeon. We aim at understanding how the internal dimensions of the album, especially regarding the musical-aesthetic guidelines, condensed some symbolic conflicts present in the internationalization culture process and the phonographic industry consolidation in Brazil. After articulating the relations between soccer, media, popular music and the Brazilian State with a musical appreciation of each track on the album, we confronted our partial conclusions with some recurring concepts in the literature that deals with Brazilian culture and Brazilian popular music in the 1970s, in order to suggest a possible analytical approach to think the relation between Brazilian popular music and the political and cultural context of this period.


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Author Biographies

Renan Paiva Chaves, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

Graduating in Popular Music at the State University of Campinas. In 2010, he participated as a fellow of the agreement between UNICAMP and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, where he developed research on Argentine folk and popular music. He was a FAPESP scholar of scientific initiation in the area of soundtracks for cinema and has published articles in Revista de Ciências Humanas of UFSC and in Revista Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia of UERJ.

Eduardo de Lima Visconti, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

Bachelor's degree in Popular Music from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Master's and Doctorate in Music (UNICAMP). He develops researches on the following topics: ethnomusicology, popular music, musicology, ideology, cultural identity, musical analysis, arrangement, improvisation, harmony, guitar and guitar. He was a temporary professor for 5 years (2007-2012) of Electric Guitar (I-VIII) and Ensemble Practice (I-VIII) in the undergraduate program in popular music at UNICAMP. He participated, in July 2012, as a teacher of guitar/guitar and improvisation in popular music at the IX Music Festival of Ibiapaba in Ceará. Currently, he has begun post-doctoral research at the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB -USP) on arrangement and sonority in the samba of the 1970s, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Walter Garcia and has performed regularly with his trio and quartet in Brazil and abroad. He has performed regularly with his trio and quartet in Brazil and abroad.


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GONÇALVES, Eloá G.. Banda Black Rio: O Soul no Brasil na década de 70. Campinas: UNICAMP/IA, 2011. Dissertação de Mestrado.

HARTWIG, A. A pérola negra regressa ao ventre da ostra: Wilson. Simonal em suas relações com indústria cultural (1963 a 1971). Marechal Cândido Rondon: UNIOESTE, 2008. Dissertação de Mestrado.

MORELLI, R. O campo da MPB e o mercado moderno de música no Brasil: do nacional-popular à segmentação contemporânea. In: Revista ArtCultura, Uberlândia, v. 10, n. 16, jan.-jun. 2008.

NAPOLITANO, M. MPB: totem-tabu da vida musical brasileira. In: Anos 70: trajetórias. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural/Iluminuras, 2005.

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Wilson Simonal – México 70. Odeon, 1970.


SIMONAL - ninguém sabe o duro que dei. Direção de Calvito LEAL, Cláudio MANOEL e Micael LANGER. Rio de Janeiro: Biscoito Fino Brasil, 2009. DVD



How to Cite

Chaves, Renan Paiva, and Eduardo de Lima Visconti. 2013. “Wilson Simonal in Field: Reflections on the Album México 70”. Per Musi, no. 28 (November):1-9. https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/permusi/article/view/39642.



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