The Baroque Experience and Local Identity in the Holy Week of Campanha, Minas Gerais



Baroque, Minas Gerais, Holy Week, Participation, Local identity


This paper analyses the formation of a baroque sensibility in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) that derives from the participatory and highly emotive orientation of the colonial festivals, the legacy of which is still present in many former mining towns in the region. By focusing upon the Holy Week celebrations in Campanha, a small town in south-ern Minas Gerais, the text shows how this annual event was organized by the Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament, but was then transferred to a local committee after the confraternity was made extinct. If up to the mid 19th century there were semi-professional musicians to perform for the celebrations, responsibility for the music was slowly taken over byamateur groups. In this way the festival came to be understood as a local affair, and each year the population renews its pride in itself for its capacity to stage such a ‘marvelous’ event.


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Author Biography

Suzel Ana Reily, Queen's University, Belfast (Northern Ireland)

Suzel Ana Reily completed her PhD in Social Anthropology in 1990 at the University of São Paulo and has since worked as a lecturer at Queen's University Belfast. She chaired the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (2000-2003) and the Council of the Ethnomusicology Society (2003-2005). She served as co-editor of the British Journal for Ethnomusicology (1998-2001) and since 2003 has been electronic site review editor for the Yearbook of Traditional Music. Her publications include Voices of the Magi (Chicago 2002) and the organization of Brazilian Musics, Brazilian Identities (BJE 2000) and The Musical Human: Rethinking John Blacking's Ethnomusicology in the 21st Century. Currently is currently finishing a monograph focusing on the musical life of Campanha (Minas Gerais - Brazil).


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How to Cite

Reily, Suzel Ana. 2011. “The Baroque Experience and Local Identity in the Holy Week of Campanha, Minas Gerais”. Per Musi, no. 24 (July):1-11.



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