The word in motion

some theoretical perspectives for the analysis of the song within the framework of popular music


  • Conrado Vito Rodrigues Falbo Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) (Brazil)


Popular music, Song, Performance


The present paper outlines some theoretical perspectives that can be useful to the analytical practices that focus on the song within the framework of popular music genres. The core of the theoretical perspectives presented here is an approach of the song based on the performance of the sung word, that is, the ensemble of interactions that take place between the performer’s body, especially his/her voice, and the audience at the moment of the performance, may it be presential or mediatized. We began with Paul ZUMTHOR’s ideas (1993; 2005; 2007) on performance and vocality to try to establish an interdisciplinary dialogue with other fields of knowledge, especially literary studies, theater and performance studies.


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Author Biography

Conrado Vito Rodrigues Falbo, Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) (Brazil)

M.A. in Theory of Literature from the Graduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Pernambuco (2009). He works professionally as a musician (guitar player), teacher and writer, as well as vocal coach for actors. His main focuses of academic research and artistic creation are: performance, body and vocality; intersemio se (relationships between poetry, music and performing arts); and popular music. She is currently developing her doctoral research on research on the performative dimensions of Brazilian poetry since modernism.


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How to Cite

Falbo, Conrado Vito Rodrigues. 2010. “The Word in Motion: Some Theoretical Perspectives for the Analysis of the Song Within the Framework of Popular Music”. Per Musi, no. 22 (July):1-14.



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