Video recording
literate multimodal education
Learner video, Multimodal literature, Learner agency, BooktuberAbstract
The use of video in literary education is gaining spaces in the classroom, with the dissemination of technology and social networks. Beyond the visualization of film adaptations, teachers and learners are beginning to produce personal videos for literary and linguistic education purposes. In this context, we try to understand how this practice is developed in secondary education, with which characteristics (genres, themes, styles, audiences) and methodologies (objectives, evaluation, scaffolding, interaction) and with which degree of satisfaction. Based on content analysis of 102 student videos and 11 semi-structured interviews with experienced teachers, we conclude that it is an emerging, diverse and motivating practice, focused on the development of literary and linguistic competence. Being that, it places the learner at the centre of the classroom, encourages cooperative learning and facilitates personal appropriation of curricular content. Short and technically varied videos are produced with specific oral and written skills, receptive and productive, that manage very diverse literary content, depending on the most historicist or competency-based approach of the literary education.
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