The connections between the PISA and the STEM education movement
Educational policies, Curriculum, International Assessment, STEM educationAbstract
In this article, we explore the fact that, far beyond obvious effects such as the ranking of educational systems and the construction of model countries, the narratives built by PISA also indirectly support the emergence of technicist educational trends such as the STEM education movement (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), which has occupied significant space in the Brazilian educational agenda and is already part of government policies. Based on the theoretical reference in sociology of education, we analyze how the arguments built around STEM education, not by chance, similar to OECD perspectives: the solution to the challenges of the economy through education, throwing the bill of economic successes (and failures) to the school and the teacher. We have established a critical analysis of how STEM education has been presented as a universal solution, supported by being a trend imported especially from the United States, and given as a norm in Brazil. We have observed that the STEM movement is a product of globalizing practices, a byproduct of the performance and competitiveness policies that the OECD establishes on education systems worldwide.
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