teaching competence, concept, teaching professionAbstract
The definition of teaching competence carries social, political and cultural weights that
often go against some educational concepts, and for this reason the term “teaching competence” is still
very much discussed. The current relevance of this discussion can be revealed by observing how Brazilian
public policies use the term as a cornerstone for primary education teacher training guidelines, without a
more comprehensive public consultation. Therefore, this article intends to present the Results of a
Systematic Literary review, searching for visions, definitions and conceptions, extending its discussion
democratically and presenting a reconstruction of that same concept, specifically directed to the teaching profession. Researches on articles, dissertations and theses were carried out from national and
international databases, which were analyzed under two aspects: first, a critical analysis, looking for the
several angles, agreements and disagreements, as well as presenting categorizations of competences that
organize and bring a practical and focused approach to the teaching profession. Second, a text corpus
analysis with the use of the Iramuteq software, recognizing that words such as Knowledge, Skills,
Attitudes, Capacity, Resource, Experience and Action, among others, in the field of the analyzed
conceptions, are related to the investigated concept. Finally, a suggestion for consolidating and
reconstructing the concept of teaching competence is presented.
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