Musical performance anxiety

A reflection on the use of strategies of management from a Sport Psychology perspective




Sport psychology, Performance anxiety, Musical performance


Emotional experiences, including anxiety, are made up of subjective physiological and behavioral components (Valentine 2002). In controllable amounts, anxiety can incite the individual to respond positively to a stimulus, however, it only does so up to the point where the organism reaches a maximum level of tolerance; beyond this point, the ability to handle and adapt can decrease, which, in a context of musical performance, can be harmful. Based on the review of Performance Anxiety concepts developed by authors in the area (Valentine 2002; Kenny 2011; Papageorgi 2007), we point out the need for a specific approach regarding management strategies, as well as guidance for their proper use based on from a Sport Psychology perspective.

Author Biographies

  • Aline Parreiras Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Doctoral student in Musical Performance – Flute – at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and holds a master's and bachelor's degree in flute from the same institution. Her research investigates the application of Sport Psychology tools in the treatment of Musical Performance Anxiety symptoms. During her flute studies, she lived for one year in Freiburg-Germany in 2012, being instructed by professors Félix Renggli and Natasa Maric. Later, he moved to Paris-France, where she studied for a year at the École Normale Superieur de Musique with the renowned professor M. Pierre-Yves Artaud. She was the first flutist in the Betim Symphonic Orchestra, in the UFMG Symphonic Band - PRONATEC Project, Sonante 21 group, among other chamber projects. Currently, she maintains a piano flute duo with pianist Fernando Brito, in addition to being producer and flutist for the Multiplayer Orchestra.

  • Fernanda Torchia Zanon, Laboratory for Research in Body, Communication and Art - Federal University of Ceará

    Doctor in Music from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CAPES scholarship from August 2017 to February 2018), under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Furst Santiago. She has a Master's Degree in Musical Performance at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), developing research in the area of ​​Music and Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Helena Marinho and co-supervision of Dr. Daniela Coimbra. He also holds a BA in piano from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2011) in the class of Dr. Celina Szrvinsk. She graduated in Music from the same institution (2013), having as advisor of her Monograph Dr. Patricia Furst Santiago. She works as a pianist and chamber musician and is part of Grupo Quinto, a group of pianists that performs interactive performances. Interested in research in the areas of music education, musical performance, artistic research and music and medicine.


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How to Cite

“Musical Performance Anxiety: A Reflection on the Use of Strategies of Management from a Sport Psychology Perspective”. 2022. Per Musi, no. 42 (November): 1-19.