The case of the “Som Imaginário” band

: counterculture, experimentation and the music industry between the 1960s and 1970s in Brazil



Som Imaginário and instrumental music, Brazilian popular music and counterculture, music industry in the 1970s


In this article, we articulate the group’s musical production within the context of MPB (Música Popular Brasileira) in the early 1970s, marked mainly by the country’s dictatorship in its most repressive period coupled with the consolidation of the country’s music industry. Regarding the first two albums, which share the same title, we analyse the lyrics of the songs, which reveal political positions and cultural values of the 1970s generation, which suffered the dictatorial repression while receiving delayed information from foreign counterculture and the hippie movement.


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Author Biographies

Maria Beatriz Cyrino Moreira, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

Maria Beatriz Cyrino Moreira is a pianist and researcher. She holds a bachelor's degree in classical piano (2007) and popular music (2011) from Unicamp. Master in popular music, she defended her master's dissertation on the group Som Imaginário in 2011. He is currently pursuing his doctorate under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Rafael dos Santos, also at the State University of Campinas. She is part of the research group Popular Music: history, production and language. Performs as chamber musician, pianist and piano teacher in the cities of Itatiba - SP and Campinas - SP.

Rafael dos Santos, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

Rafael dos Santos holds a PhD in Music/Piano from the University of Iowa - USA, under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Shapiro. He is a Professor at the Department of Music, Institute of Arts at UNICAMP, where he participated in the creation of the Popular Music course. He coordinates, along with Prof. José Roberto Zan, the research group "Popular Music: History, Production and Language" (CNPq).


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Som Imaginário. LP. Som Imaginário.1970. EMI Odeon.

Som Imaginário. LP. Som Imaginário. 1971. EMI Odeon.

Som Imaginário. LP. Matança do porco. 1973. EMI Odeon.

Milton Nascimento. LP. Milton Nascimento. 1970. EMI Odeon.


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How to Cite

Moreira, Maria Beatriz Cyrino, and Rafael dos Santos. 2014. “The Case of the ‘Som Imaginário’ Band: : Counterculture, Experimentation and the Music Industry Between the 1960s and 1970s in Brazil”. Per Musi, no. 30 (November):1-11.



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