Hybridism in the Instrumental Music of the Medusa Group

Association of Different Musical Genres in Pé no chão



Hybridism, Popular music, Instrumental music, Brazilian Medusa Group


In the 1980s, jazz fusion had great international repercussion. In Brazil, it was seen as a symbol of modernity and considered by critics as being a musical forefront, influencing significantly instrumental music groups. This study focuses on the musical production of the Medusa Group, formed in São Paulo by renowned Brazilian popular musicians. The purpose of this article is to understand, through a rhythmic, melodic, harmonic and structural analysis of the song Pé no Chão (Feet on the Ground), the way in which the Group Medusa blends musical elements of Brazilian and American popular styles, obtaining an hybrid sound. It also tries to identify appropriations of musical procedures from fusion, performed in the song.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Araujo Freire, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Popular Music from the State University of Campinas and has been a Master's student in Music at the same institution since 2013. Participates in the research group "Popular Music: History, Production and Language" (CNPq) since 2010. Acts as instrumentalist musician, performing in monthly choro rounds for the MusiSAE project at Unicamp and in university events such as "Unicamp de Portas Abertas" (UPA) and the "Festival of the Arts Institute" (FEIA).

Rafael dos Santos, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

PhD in Music/Piano from the University of Iowa - USA, under the guidance of Prof. Daniel Shapiro. He is Professor at the Department of Music, Institute of Arts at UNICAMP, where he participated in the creation of the Popular Music course. He coordinates the research group "Popular Music: History, Production and Language" (CNPq). He performs regularly as soloist, arranger, conductor, composer and teacher. He was the coordinator of the project for the creation and implementation of the Conservatory of Popular Music City of Itajaí, through an agreement with Unicamp. He is the editor of Música Popular em Revista, a biannual electronic publication linked to the Graduate Programs in Music at the Institute of Arts at UNICAMP and at the Center of Arts and Letters at UNIRIO.


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Discografia Recomendada

MEDUSA, Grupo. Grupo Medusa. São Paulo: Som da Gente: 1981.

MEDUSA, Grupo. Ferrovias. São Paulo: Som da Gente: 1983.



How to Cite

Freire, Guilherme Araujo, and Rafael dos Santos. 2013. “Hybridism in the Instrumental Music of the Medusa Group: Association of Different Musical Genres in Pé No chão”. Per Musi, no. 28 (November):1-8. https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/permusi/article/view/39594.



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