From Snapshot to Anachrony
Photography as a Tool of Delay in the Production of a Melancholy of the Present
Wandering, Nomadism, Archive, Memory, HeliogravureAbstract
This paper examines a collection of heliogravures, A melancolia luminosa, by Taila Idzi, in which the artist presents instant photographic records, taken with her cell phone while traveling, and its complex process, which combines photography and metal engraving. The technique adds layers of meaning to the images, in an attempt to retain what is lost in the speed of traffic. Therefore, we invite the readers to immerse themselves with us in a process that questions discontinuities produced in the speed of times of departure, in an attempt to gather fragmented meanings, excavating what seems to be a shared angst in poems by Fernando Pessoa and by João Cabral de Melo Neto, such as in Giles Deleuze’s philosophy, and Adriana Calcanhotto’s songs.
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