The use of ICT for reading animation in vulnerable contexts
a systematic review in de last decade
Reading encouragement, Reading habits, ICT, At risk student, Systematic reviewAbstract
Reading is key to academic and personal success. To acquire this habit it is necessary to make interventions of animation to the reading, since, especially in the beginning, it supposes an effort. It is especially relevant in the case of vulnerable students, because the fact acquiring this habit helps to avoid school failure and opens the door to social integration. However, transmitting a taste for reading is not an easy task for teachers. Given the social trend toward ICT and their motivational value, many authors consider them to be great resources for encouraging reading. For this reason, the objective was to analyze ICT strategies for encouraging reading and the importance that they give to vulnerable populations. Through the method of systematic review of the literature, 19 articles indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science have been analyzed, obtaining as a result that most of them study the preferences between digital and traditional reading formats and a little more than half of them are addressed to people over 18 years old. Of the studies that offer strategies for encouraging reading, some ICT resources and methodologies that have been successfully used to promote reading are included. Therefore, it is essential to continue researching the most effective ways of encouraging reading and achieve the educational and social inclusion of disadvantaged students.
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