Inquiry-Based Science Teaching under Construction: Possibilities of Articulations Between Conceptual, Epistemic and Social Domains Within Scientific Knowledge in the Classroom




domains of scientific knowledge, inquiry-based science teaching, ethnography in education, Elementary School


In this paper, we analyse how a class discursively constructed articulations between the conceptual, epistemic and social domains of scientific knowledge. The first-grade class studied biological aspects of an insect. For data collection and analysis, we use Ethnography in Education as logic of inquiry. Our results indicate that the use of instructional resources, organised around questions, generated different ways of articulation between the three domains, evidenced in the participants’ oral speech. The emphasis on the [epistemic+social] pair has given a more investigative character to the instructional context under construction. We also discuss implications for pedagogical practice and research in science education.


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Author Biography

Danusa Munford, Universidade Federal do ABC

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela USP, mestrado em Biologia Genética pela mesma universidade, doutorado em Curriculum and Instruction pela Pennsylvania State University e pós doutorado na Ohio State University. Atualmente é professora associada da Universidade Federal do ABC e membro do programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da UFMG.


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How to Cite

Franco, L. G., & Munford, D. . (2020). Inquiry-Based Science Teaching under Construction: Possibilities of Articulations Between Conceptual, Epistemic and Social Domains Within Scientific Knowledge in the Classroom. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 687–719.




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