Wave or Particle? A Study of Ontological Trajectories of Eletromagnetic Radiation in Physics High School Textbooks





Textbook, Science Studies, STS, Latour, Modern Physics, Quantum Physics


In this paper, we start from elements of the Sociology of Science by Bruno Latour to analyse actors in Science Education. According to Latour, Science Education participates in the Science network in the public representation link. In this way, teachers, textbooks, among others members of this network (human and non-human), can be understood as part of Science itself, with Science Education and the Sciences participating in each other’s network. From this perspective, we catalog statements taken from three textbooks approved in the PNLDEM 2018 edict according to the typology proposed by Latour to analyse statements by scientists. In a first qualitative analysis, we seek to understand the ontological trajectory of diferente interpretations for eletromagnetic radiation in the context of classical and modern physics. In addition, we make use of a second qualitative argument of the dictum and the modus of these statements, to elucidate the stylistic resources used by the authors of textbooks in the construction of the ontological trajectories of actants. Our results showed that, in the three analysed books, only the light seen as a wave in the classical context reaches autonomy. Despite this, statements with a high degree of reality were found for antagonistic ontological interpretations.


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How to Cite

Vazata, P. A. V. ., Lima, N. W., Ostermann, F., & Cavalcanti, C. J. de H. (2020). Wave or Particle? A Study of Ontological Trajectories of Eletromagnetic Radiation in Physics High School Textbooks. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 855–885. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2020u855885




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