30 years of the Brazilian Constitution and the obstacles to access to your "Engine Room"

the Exclusive Constituent as a performative understanding of the meaning of Constitution





Brazilian Constitution, Machine room, Exclusive constituent, Performative constitutionalism


In this article, we propose to present a delimited vision of the problems faced in the last 30 years of democratic constitutionalism in Brazil through a debate with the idea of access to the "engine room" of the constitution presented by Roberto Gargarella. Our delimited vision focuses on the dispute for the exclusive constituent in 2013-2014 in Brazil. These problems are closely related: (i) to a strictly normative reading of the Constitution; (ii) the belief that the problem of popular sovereignty would be exclusively related to the concentration of powers in the Executive and; (iii) to disbelief in the immanent dispute of the sense of constitution embodied in social struggles. The confrontation of these problems demands us to think of a constitutional theory that is built on its own critical, performative and precarious practice. Thus, we bet on the initial lines of what we suggest to be a Performative Constitutionalism.

Author Biographies

  • Deivide Júlio Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Mestre e doutorando pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito da UFMG, pesquisador, com pesquisa financiada pela CAPES/PROEX. Endereço eletrônico: deividej@gmail,com.

  • Igor Campos Viana, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Pesquisador (bolsa CAPES) em sede de mestrado da Linha História Poder e Liberdade do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Coordenador do Grupo Políticas da Performatividade. E-mail: icamposviana@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

30 years of the Brazilian Constitution and the obstacles to access to your "Engine Room": the Exclusive Constituent as a performative understanding of the meaning of Constitution. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 3, n. 2, p. 153–173, 2018. DOI: 10.35699/2525-8036.2018.5121. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revice/article/view/e5121. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.

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