Digital literacy
a brief literature review of in-between concepts and of teachers’ conceptions
Digital literacy, Academic practice, Socio-educational practiceAbstract
Even though Digital Literacy is currently a widely used term, which is frequently cited in many social practices, there is yet a lot to discuss when it comes to its concept, since it modifies itself as it flows through the many digital environments. In this article, the main objective is to establish dialogues between posited definitions both in academic and educational domains (by teachers and preservice teachers), within different geopolitical realities (in the United States, in Indonesia, and in Brazil). In doing so, we intend to demonstrate to what extent theory and practice might or might not converge. The study offers a brief literature review regarding the topic. The analysis is of qualitative and interpretative nature. The data was extracted from peer-reviewed articles and cross-checked for interpretation and discussion. The results have demonstrated that the definitions regarding Digital Literacy offered by teachers are not very complex, especially in Brazil. Oftentimes, the definition is simply linked to digital tools, whereas conscious and critical use, as well as potential socioemotional aspects are disregarded.
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