People with disabilities in Chile.

Multidimensional digital gaps as barriers to access to the world of work




Disability, Work, Digital gap, Digital literacy, Digital accessibility


This work presents a diagnosis of the experiences and  limitations in the field of digital technologies of people with disabilities, which was oriented towards understanding their needs for job placement. A descriptive research using semi-structured interviews was carried out in two municipalities in Chile: San Joaquín and Pitrufquén. The work is situated in the context of the recent implementation of laws and policies that set hiring quotas for people with disabilities in companies in the country. The analysis allows us to distinguish situations of gap and the possibilities of digital literacy, experiences of using technologies in work contexts and the implementation of digital accessibility policies. It is concluded that the people interviewed face their possibilities of accessing the labor market in a context of multiple digital gaps, with limited literacy possibilities, as well as with pending tasks in the implementation of digital inclusion policies. Based on the experiences collected, general policy guidelines are proposed to advance gradual and effective digital labor inclusion.


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How to Cite

BINIMELIS ESPINOZA, H.; AGUAYO CUEVAS, C.; REYES QUILODRÁN, C.; INOSTROZA CORREA, A.; AGUAYO CUEVAS, C. People with disabilities in Chile.: Multidimensional digital gaps as barriers to access to the world of work. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 17, p. e49250, 2024. DOI: 10.1590/1983-3652.2024.49250. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.