Terra dos Pássaros

permanence of counterculture elements in Toninho Horta’s production of the 1970’s



Brazilian Popular Music, Toninho Horta, Clube da Esquina, Eletric guitar, Acoustic guitar, Counterculture


This article presents an analysis of the production of the composer and player Toninho Horta, with emphasis on his performance throughout the 1970’s and on the process of elaboration of his inaugural record Terra dos Pássaros, which was released independently in 1979. Starting from MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) and the song festivals of the late 1960’s, in a context marked by the politics of an authoritarian regime and by the consolidation of the cultural industry, we have attempted to discuss the permanence of elements of counterculture in the production of Toninho Horta. These elements were noticeable in the artist’s creative discourse and in the content of his songwriting during the 1970’s.

Author Biographies

  • Thaís Lima Nicodemo, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

    Thaís Lima Nicodemo is a PhD candidate at the Department of Music, Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas. Her research, which began in 2010, has as its main focus the production of the Brazilian composer Ivan Lins, between the years 1970 and 1990. Thais holds a Master in Music from the same institution, where she developed the dissertation "Terra dos Pássaros: uma abordagem sobre as composições de Toninho Horta", defended in 2009. Besides being a researcher, she has a bachelor's degree in Popular Piano from Faculdade Santa Marcelina and works as a musician in the instrumental music and popular music scene in the city of São Paulo.

  • Rafael dos Santos, University of Campinas (Brazil) - UNICAMP

    Rafael dos Santos holds a PhD in Music/Piano from the University of Iowa - USA, under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Shapiro. He is a Professor at the Department of Music, Institute of Arts at UNICAMP, where he participated in the creation of the Popular Music course. He coordinates, along with Prof. José Roberto Zan, the research group "Popular Music: History, Production and Language" (CNPq).


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Referências de áudio

HORTA, Toninho & Orquestra Fantasma. Terra dos Pássaros. Brasil: EMI, 1980 (LP 064 422855); Dubas Música, 2008 (CD).

MOREIRA, Airto. Promises of the Sun. Brasil: Arista/EMI-Odeon, 1976 (LP ARL 33209).

NASCIMENTO, Milton. Milton Nascimento. Brasil: EMI-Odeon, 1969 (LP MOFB 3492)

______. Milton. EUA: A&M Records; Brasil: EMI-Odeon, 1976 (LP XEMCB 7024).

______. Clube da Esquina. Brasil: EMI-Odeon, 1972 (2 LP MOAB 6005/6), 1989 (2 CD).

______. Clube da Esquina 2. Brasil: EMI-Odeon, 1978 (2 LP 164 422831/2), 1988 (2 CD).

Referência em vídeo

Violões de Minas. Roteiro e direção Geraldo Vianna. Documentário. 2007, 1 DVD. Duração: 101 min.





HORTA, Toninho. Por email, no dia 20/03/2012.





Articles in Portuguese/Spanish

How to Cite

“Terra Dos Pássaros: Permanence of Counterculture Elements in Toninho Horta’s Production of the 1970’s”. 2014. Per Musi, no. 30 (November): 1-11. https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/permusi/article/view/38863.

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