Secondary Piano in the academic formation

educational ideas and perspectives of interdisciplinary


  • Maria Inêz Lucas Machado University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)


Secondary piano, Interdisciplinary approach in music, Appreciation, Performance and composition, Academic formation, Pedagogical approach in music


Study about fundaments for an interdisciplinary approach of the Piano as a Second Instrument class that could promote integration between different fields of the academic formation at the undergraduate level in Brazil. It discusses the advantages of a pedagogical coordination between appreciation, performance and composition, with the contextualization of issues related to music teaching and musical development. Characteristics of specific profiles of undergraduate students as well as their needs and similarities are taken under consideration in order to understand the interfaces between the disciplines, musical understanding and connections between the instrumental practice and the perception of music. Some ideas of recognized pianists and teachers are considered and related to the practice of music and music teaching.

Author Biography

  • Maria Inêz Lucas Machado, University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

    She earned her Bachelor's degree in Piano, her Specialization in Music Education, and her Master's degree in Studies of Music Practices at the UFMG School of Music. She is a professor at the institution, where she held the position of Vice-Director for two consecutive mandates, between 2002 and 2010, and, for one semester, the position of Director. She has accumulated pedagogical and administrative experience, including in various Extension projects and courses. She works in the core subjects of general education - music perception, auditory training, complementary piano - with emphasis on performance and music education. Her areas of interest (studies and published works) are themes such as the dynamics of basic, intermediate and academic education in music, Extension and Music Graduation in Public Universities.


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How to Cite

“Secondary Piano in the Academic Formation: Educational Ideas and Perspectives of Interdisciplinary”. 2013. Per Musi, no. 27 (June): 1-17.