From invisibility to active and empowered participation. The camera off syndrome
a case study in higher education
Student, Virtual environments, Online education, Online participation, VideocameraAbstract
The transition from a face-to-face educational system to a distance learning system entails an ecosystem for the teaching and learning process where participation and interaction assume new challenges for students and teachers. This research has focused on an exploratory investigation of the dynamics of student participation in synchronous classes through the use of the webcam, seeking to know the situations that lead them to make an effective use of its deactivation with the ultimate goal of making future technopedagogical proposals for the active and empowered participation of students. Descriptive, univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) statistical analyses were carried out. The sample consisted of 142 higher education students. The results revealed that students are more reluctant to activate the webcam as a means of participation and interaction in synchronous sessions due to the high number of attendees or the predominance of methodologies such as lectures, among other factors. The digital replication of face-to-face sessions is generating a reproduction of audiovisual elements to promote participation spaces where the tools and practices implemented do not convince students to use them.
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