Anime subtitles corpus (CorLeAni)
Anime, Corpus, Fansubber, Fansubs, SubtitlingAbstract
We report, in this article, the process of compiling a corpus consisting of anime subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese, hereby named Anime Subtitles Corpus (CorLeAni). The corpus, currently with almost 1 million words, has been compiled following the theoretical-methodological support of Corpus-Based Translation Studies. The compilation took place over two Projects of Scientific Initiation of High School (PIBIC-EM), 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, with a grant from the Instituto Federal Goiano-Campus Campos Belos. Recognizing that fansubs have great potential for discussions and studies in the audiovisual field, we have made CorLeAni available for free so it can be used in future linguistic and translation research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniel Gomes da Cunha, Janailton Mick Vitor da Silva
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