Management and academic anxiety in Ibero-American higher institutions students during COVID-19



Mots-clés :

Higher education, Management, Students, Anxiety, COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty and instability in the population regarding the capacity of institutions to manage and mitigate its impact. In such an emergency, it is possible to ask how higher education institutions have dealt with this situation and what elements of institutional management have had the most significant influence in controlling stress and academic anxiety. The study aims to measure the level of academic anxiety among university students in Ibero-America since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It also seeks to identify the associated variables; some linked to the digital sphere, which affect the perception of the evaluation made by these students of the institutional management carried out by higher education institutions in Ibero-America. This article provides the quantitative research results that collected data using an anonymous online survey conducted from April 6 to April 24, 2020, in some higher education universities in Ibero-America, including 523 students surveyed. The data analysis is based only on the survey respondents' answers registered in institutions in six Ibero-American countries. The results identify psycho-social variables associated with the level of academic anxiety students perceive. They also point to the need for higher education institutions in Ibero-America to review their management models so as to guarantee their educational communities (e.g., students). This support consists of reinforcing soft skills that increase the capacity to transform the educational model.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Elias Said-Hung, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Education Faculty, Logroño, Spain

Professeur titulaire à la Faculté d'éducation, membre du groupe de recherche SIMI et directeur du Master universitaire en éducation inclusive et interculturelle de l'Université internationale de La Rioja (UNIR).

Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral, Rey Juan Carlos University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain

Sociologue et docteur en communication audiovisuelle, publicité et relations publiques. Accrédité par l'ANECA dans la figure de professeur assistant docteur. Il est titulaire d'un master en communication d'entreprise et institutionnelle.

Carolina Mejía Corredor, EAN University, Bogotá, Colombia

Docteur en Technologie et Éducation, Master en Informatique Industrielle et Automatique de l'Université de Gérone en Espagne, Spécialiste en Télécommunications et Ingénieur Systèmes de l'Université Industrielle de Santander en Colombie. À l'Université Ean, elle a été coordonnatrice du programme de maîtrise en gestion des systèmes d'information et des projets technologiques, directrice du département des systèmes, directrice du groupe de recherche sur les environnements d'apprentissage et est actuellement professeure, directrice de recherche et éditrice de Virtu@lmente Magazine.


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Comment citer

SAID-HUNG, E.; RODRÍGUEZ-PERAL, E. M.; MEJÍA CORREDOR, C. Management and academic anxiety in Ibero-American higher institutions students during COVID-19. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 15, p. e38733, 2022. DOI: 10.35699/1983-3652.2022.38733. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sept. 2024.