Education in prisons
research and researchers
Education in prisons, Brazilian Prison System, Research and researchersAbstract
Understanding the development of human resources training and the constitution of research groups in Brazil, between 1987 and 2019, on the theme of education in prisons is the main contribution of this article. The preliminary finding was that the thematic field of prisons faced many difficulties in establishing itself in all areas of knowledge and, above all, in the field of education. First, an exhaustive bibliographic survey was carried out in the Theses and Dissertations Bank of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), following a model already developed within the scope of a technical cooperation between UFMG and DEPEN-MJ (2010-2012 ) which gave rise to the ONASP (National Observatory of the Prison System). The information collected is that made available by the aforementioned Bank of Theses and dissertations defended between the years 1987 to 2019, with the Postgraduate Programs of the public and private networks and that dealt with issues concerning the Brazilian prison universe. The paths and detours for the constitution of the Education sub-area in prisons in Brazil are highlighted. The Lattes Platform and the CNPq Research Group Directory were also used as sources. At the end, some conclusions are presented about the possibilities and difficulties of developing this thematic field in the training of staff.
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