The Melos e Harmonia Acústica (1988) of César Guerra-Peixe, Koellreutter and Hindemith

basic principles and similarities



Guerra-Peixe, Study Booklet with Koellreutte, Melos and Acoustic Harmony, Paul Hindemith, The Craft of Musical Composition


The Melos e Harmonia Acústica by César GUERRA-PEIXE (1988), presented a survey of the didactical activity of this composer expressed in a textbook form. This research attempts to trace possible influences, comparing it to The Craft of Musical Composition by Paul HINDEMITH (1937) and Caderno de Estudos com Koellreutter by GUERRA-PEIXE (1944) in order to better understand the technical and theoretical approaches embodied in it.


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Author Biography

Ernesto Hartmann, University of Espírito Santo (UFES) (Brazil)

Bachelor in Piano from UFRJ, Bachelor in Music from UCAM/RJ, Master in Interpretive Practices (Piano) from UFRJ and PhD in Music (Music Language and Structure) from UNIRIO. He has produced works published as articles in several magazines on topics related to Analysis, Theory and Musical Language. He was a Professor at UFF-CEIM/RJ, Substitute Professor of Harmony and Piano at UFRJ, Substitute Professor of Harmony at UFMG and Coordinator of Bachelor's in Music at Conservatório de Música de Niterói/RJ. He is currently Adjunct Professor and Head of the Art Theory and Music Department at UFES.


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GUERRA-PEIXE, César. Caderno de Estudos com Koellreutter 1944. Texto disponível em Arquivo pdf (6 páginas) em

bibsemfronteiras/indice_titulo.html. Acessado em 26 de Março de 2011.

_______________. Correspondência a Curt Lange: 9/Maio/1947, Acervo Curt Lange, UFMG, Belo Horizonte.

_______________. Música e Dodecafonismo, Recife, 1952.

_______________. Curriculum Vitae do Compositor, manuscrito, Rio de Janeiro, 1971.

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HINDEMITH, Paul, The Craft of Musical Composition .Volumes I e II. New York: Associated Music Publishers Inc., 1937.

KATER, Carlos. Música Viva e H. J. Koellreutter. Movimentos em direção à modernidade. São Paulo: Musa Editora. 2001.

LIMA, Cecília Nazaré de. A fase dodecafônica de Guerra-Peixe: a luz das impressões do compositor, 2002. Dissertação (Mestrado) UNICAMP, Campinas.

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How to Cite

Hartmann, Ernesto. 2013. “The Melos E Harmonia Acústica (1988) of César Guerra-Peixe, Koellreutter and Hindemith: Basic Principles and Similarities”. Per Musi, no. 27 (June):1-11.



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