Storytelling as a didactic-communicative resource to encourage reading
Storytelling, Didactic-communicative resource, Reading, Children, AdolescentsAbstract
The importance of reading in children and adolescents as an activity that allows them to easily stimulate their imagination and their brain function is, at present, a workhorse both at school and in the family. Finding resources and motivational tools to encourage the reading habit is fundamental, and storytelling is an interesting resource. Our goal is to analyse the experiences and good practices in the use of storytelling to encourage the reading habit in children and adolescents that are being carried out in Spain, in order to make a didactic proposal. A qualitative methodology was used, based on the analytical-descriptive method. Despite the fact that storytelling is a resource that is increasingly used in the educational field, there are still few experiences of its use to encourage reading among children and adolescents. We concluded that storytelling can be a very motivating didactic and creative resource to encourage the habit of reading, both in children and adolescents, given its multimedia component and its ability to tell stories.
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