Use of increasing levels of extruded concentrate and corn silage in sheep diet
Extrusion, Ruminants, Corn silage, Ovis ariesAbstract
The aim was to evaluate the effects of different concentrate: roughage relationships, using extruded concentrate and corn silage, on the intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, and metabolism of sheep. Twenty Santa Inês ewes with a weight of 50 kg and an average age of three years were used, assigned in a completely randomized design. The evaluated treatments had different concentrate: roughage ratios, using the commercial extruded concentrate Beef Agnus® (B) (Nuttrata Animal Nutrition, Itumbiara-GO, Brazil) and Corn silage (S). The treatments consisted of: 40% Beef Agnus® and 60% Corn silage (40% B: 60% S); 50% Beef Agnus® and 50% Corn silage (50% B: 50% S); 60% Beef Agnus® and 40% Corn silage (60% B: 40% S); 70% Beef Agnus® and 30% Corn silage (70% B: 30% S). The regression analyzes were performed at 5% probability for type I errors. The dry matter intake (DMI), DMI in relation to body weight, DMI in relation to metabolic weight, rumination, and chewing efficiencies showed a negative linear response to increased inclusion of corn silage (P <0.05). Glycemia by harvest time and total proteins showed a quadratic response (P <0.05). Digestibility, urinary and fecal parameters, and energy metabolites were maintained with an reduce in the roughage proportion in the diet (P> 0.05). It is concluded that the use of extruded concentrate promotes the greater intake of the animals and does not cause damage to the ingestive behavior, digestibility, and metabolism of sheep.
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