Interpretative Quantitative Methods in Science Education: Approaches to Multivariate Data Analysis




Correspondence Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling


The field of research in Science Education still lives in the shadow of positivism, which hides in methodologies both quantitative and qualitative. Tradicional quantitative methods are shown to be strong agents of the positivist perspective of research, mainly due to the naive interpretation that the numerical data represent the reality of the facts. In order to move away from this positivist view, there was an advance in the direction of the development of so-called mixed methods, especially in the quantitative interpretive analysis, which encourages a greater variety of analytical methods in order to better understand the object of study. Thus, the objective of this paper is to discuss Multidimensional Scaling (EMD) and Correspondence Analysis (AC), which are configured as possibilities of interpretative quantitative methods that are routinely used in the multivariate analysis of data, as well as examples applied in research in the area of Science Education. The result of our presentation is that duly substantiated and reflected interpretative quantitative methods can move away from the positivist paradigm that still permeates the area of Science Education.


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How to Cite

Interpretative Quantitative Methods in Science Education: Approaches to Multivariate Data Analysis. (2019). Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 19, 775-800.

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