The Science Education and Bakhtinian Thought: An Analysis of Papers Published in National Journals
Bakhtin, State of the art, Science educationAbstract
In this paper, we develop an analysis of the production in the field of science education according to the Bakhtinian thought. In order to understand how Bakhtin’s theoretical framework has been incorporated in studies on science education studies in Brazil, we conducted a survey, systematization and analysis of papers published in Brazilian journals focused on science education. Our analyzes indicate quantitative production, data referring to the origin of Bakhtinian thought in the field, as well as the characterization of this production regarding the journals, the institutions of origin, main researchers, research nature and thematic approaches. Additionally, our analyzes also focus on some conceptual and methodological issues that involve this production, in order to compose an interpretation of how the Bakhtinian thought is constituted in science education. Therefore, we highlight that there are quite consistent appropriations, but also many approaches characterized by the trivialization and misrepresentation of some concepts, by methodological weaknesses resulting from the interpretation of Bakhtinian thought as a method and by mechanical and superficial analyzes. We noticed that there is a tendency to apply the ideas of the Bakhtinian Circle, instead of thinking from them.
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- 2020-10-26 (2)
- 2020-03-22 (1)
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