Education, arts and interculturality
documentary cinema as a communicative language and innovative technology for learning the R+D+I methodology
Intercultural art, Digital competences, Educational innovation, Communicational language, Technology of the information and communicationAbstract
The objective of the article is to reflect on the use of digital information and communication technologies (ICT) in the linguistic and educational processes of teacher training in Ecuador. The research uses a transdisciplinary, qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, and analytical methodological approach, that delves into the digital competences that teachers must develop to enhance artistic and intercultural languages among their students. As a result, the learning technologies used during the filming, development, and production of the film documentary ‘The Lost Art of Education’ are shown. Subsequently, a research, development and innovation (R+D+i) project is presented that aims to spread the intercultural, plurinational, and multi-ethnic idiosyncrasy of Ecuador with the digital inclusion of an interactive educational video-game. It is concluded that the education of the 21st century needs a deep innovation of theories, methodologies, and didactic resources focused on revaluing the practices, customs, wisdom, and worldviews of ancestral peoples with technological tools, digital media, and audiovisuals resources
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